EXPLORE, Inc. featured in March Issue of Condé Nast Traveler

Feb 22, 2013

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For a feature in the March issue of Condé Nast Traveler, Explore Inc.’s Cherri Briggs arranged for writer Susan Hack to stay at Private Camp in Namibia’s NamibRand Nature Reserve, Luangwa Safari House in South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, and Full Moon House on Kenya’s Lamu Island. Cherri, who was also recently recognized by the magazine as a top travel specialist for the 12th year running, explained why the African villa concept is taking off now: “It evolved out of an appreciation of privacy as the ultimate luxury and the challenges family travel poses to the safari industry.”

Luangwa Safari House

Historically, safari vacations were thought of as an adult activity, both because wild animals posed dangers to small children (and liability risks to operators) and because kids tended to dampen the mood at sundown gin and tonics. But now, safari villas, like the ones in Explore’s collection, are a terrific option for parents who want to introduce their children to African adventures.

They’re also, as Hack found, a terrific option for friends traveling together, or perhaps surprisingly, anyone looking for a good value, as the per person cost can be much less than at top lodges.

Click the links below to view the full article.

Luxury Villa Rentals in Africa

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