A fabulous time was had by all at the annual Explorer’s Club event in New York City where EXPLORE attended the 106th annual Explorers Club dinner at the Waldorf Astoria. I became a member of the Club after completing the 650km first descent of Mozambique’s Lugenda River. 1500 adventure enthusiasts were entertained by Dan Akroyd, Cirque de Soleil acrobats and…
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Archive for the 'CONSERVATION / PHILANTHROPY' Category
Mapusha Weaving Cooperative (South Africa)
In October 2009, our Exploritas program #15863 traveled to South Africa, and they have since banded together to start something wonderful… During their trip to Africa, they visited the Mapusha Weaving Cooperative and decided to form “Bushbabies,” a collective effort to raise money in support of this group of women. The money they have raised so far has helped to…
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