EXPLORE hobnobs with Conservation Heroes at the Explorers Club!

Apr 6, 2010

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A fabulous time was had by all at the annual Explorer’s Club event in New York City where EXPLORE attended the 106th annual Explorers Club dinner at the Waldorf Astoria. I became a member of the Club after completing the 650km first descent of Mozambique’s Lugenda River. 1500 adventure enthusiasts were entertained by Dan Akroyd, Cirque de Soleil acrobats and many honored guests and award recipients.  Two award recipients are long time EXPLORE clients – Dr. Mabel Purkerson and Dr. Don Johanson, world renowned paleoanthropologist. Following the annual event at the Waldorf, EXPLORE hosted a fabulous breakfast at the Explorers Club in honor of Botswana’s Emmy Award winning wildlife filmmakers Dereck & Beverly Joubert and philanthropist Greg Carr. Carr told the story of his herculean on-going efforts to resurrect Mozambique’s  Gorongosa National Park after a devastating 25 year civil war.  As evidenced by the fantastic turnout, these remarkable individuals are clearly amongst the premier ambassadors for conservation in Africa. After learning more about growing threats to Africa’s big cats and irreplaceable wilderness it is evident that we need to support their efforts and encourage others dedicating their lives to conservation. Please call us directly to learn more about their projects at 1-800-LYONESS as we are in constant contact regarding new developments.  Or if you would like to support the Big Cats Initiative which the Jouberts co-founded with The National Geographic Society please visit http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/big-cats/. For details on the Carr Foundation and Gorongosa National Park please visit http://www.gorongosa.net/. One of the most personally rewarding ways to support conservation is through your own travel to Africa!  We are dedicated to ensuring that all our travelers support lodges that are genuinely making a contribution to conservation and community and ensuring that they learn as much as possible while enjoying their African adventure. This is our passion and the core of all that we do. I started my career in Africa working in conservation but through the years have discovered that tourism is perhaps the most effective vehicle for promoting the preservation of wilderness and wildlife. Not only can tourism provide protection for vast tracks of land but it also provides meaningful income and other benefits to local communities and brings education, healthcare and training to thousands.  If you would like information on how to learn more about these efforts or others that EXPLORE supports in Africa please contact us at 970 871-0065, email us at info@exploreinc.com, or check our website www.exploreinc.com where you can link to itineraries featuring these efforts. Cherri Briggs Explorers Club Events 2010

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