Apr 27, 2011
It’s taken me until 2011 to join the digital age. I’ve been to Africa over a dozen times to different areas and always come home with mediocre pictures at best (or none at all). I had a trip to East Africa planned in March so I went out and splurged on a quality digital camera.
We always put in our travel guide for travelers to “bring a good camera and/or video equipment which you have tested beforehand and are comfortable using. The African bush is no place to learn what all those buttons really mean.” Well I found that out very quickly as I’m bumbling trying to get pictures of a cheetah kill, lion mating and giraffe sparing (at the correct aperture, speed, etc.) I hadn’t even had my sundowner drink yet at sunset one evening when I turned to the camp manager and asked if he could possibly help me since nothing was showing through the viewfinder. He said, “Well, let’s take off the lens cap and see …” Ooooopsy – the ol’ lens cap was still on – was I ever embarrassed! I did manage to get some fabulous photos and my fellow travelers were quite impressed (these pictures are my favorites) – especially with the zoom (turns out it’s a 600mm but I didn’t know that then). So off to a photo class I go this spring!
Moral of the story: Definitely learn to use your equipment before you go!
More on my East Africa trip to follow…