Jun 23, 2014
We are asking for your help to oppose any attempt to evict the Maasai from their traditional land and require them to relocate to make way for foreign hunters.

Tanzanian President Kikwete is on the verge of signing a deal with Ortello Business Corporation, a United Arab Emirates(UAE) hunting company, that wants their own private hunting grounds within the Serengeti to kill lions and leopards. They want a new hunting block as they have killed most of the wildlife on their old one.
This deal would force 48,000 members of Africa’s Maasai tribe from their land to make way for the wealthy Middle Eastern hunters. The last time this same corporation pushed the Maasai off their land, there was a public outcry and President Kikwete returned the land to them.
Less than 600 signatures are needed by June 30, 2014 to reach the goal of 34,000 signed petitions to help stop the deal that would change the Maasai’s land rights against their will for good.