Dec 1, 2014

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ian player

I had the great fortune, kharma, luck, to meet Dr. Ian Player over 20 years ago during my first visit to South Africa. Having dinner at his home with his wife Anne, I suddenly became inexplicably ill and fainted, and the Players insisted I stay on for a few days. Over these days I formed a great and lasting friendship with Ian which led to many life changing adventures, including establishing a Wilderness program emulating the SA model in a remote Montana Indian Reservation, creating a conference on Wilderness in Tasmania and visiting local aboriginal people to help them start wilderness programs based on traditional knowledge, and bringing my friend Margaux Hemingway down to help him fight the St. Lucia Wetlands battle… one of the few I ever played a part in where we actually won!

He was a role model for me, a wonderful teacher, and a great soul. The world will miss him, there are very few voices like his. Please do your inner self a favor and watch this video to remind yourself of why we all love Africa so much…

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More about Dr. Ian Player
Read an interview with Ian

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