Tag for Parc National des Volcans

Gorillas on your List?

Then trekking after these great apes in Africa would fall in to the category of MUST DO. Witness the mountain gorillas of Rwanda in the wild! This past February, I had the opportunity to visit these massive, shy, majestic creatures in their natural habitat in Rwanda’s Virunga Volcanoes National Park. It was dramatic, thrilling and poignant all at the same…
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Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Mountain gorillas are massive, shy, majestic and so human-like it is almost beyond belief.  Since the 1970s when the now famous primatologist Dian Fossey brought the horrible plight of gorillas into the mainstream, these amazing animals have held a special place in the imagination of many.  With only about 700 mountain gorillas remaining, seeing these creatures in person is truly…
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